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Orion Elevator (LU/LA)
The Orion elevator is designed with features you would expect in a high-rise elevator but built for commercial low-rise buildings. The Savaria Orion elevator was designed for limited use/limited application (LU/LA) commercial projects and is well-suited for use in educational settings, places of worship and up to 3-story professional offices.
With the features you would expect to see in a high-rise elevator such as automatic sliding doors and commercial fixtures, the Orion elevator delivers a professional appearance and a smooth ride for passengers. The Orion is a cost-effective solution to ADA-compliant accessibility that meets state and national codes for LU/LA elevators. Upgrades for the Orion include stainless steel two-speed doors to deliver a modern and sleek look.

Picture by Savaria.
Additional Notes for Orion:
- Applications: Commercial (LU/LA), residential, indoors
- Standard Capacity: 1400 lb (635 kg)
- Maximum Travel: 300" (7.6 m), with up to 6 stops (subject to local code requirements)
- Nominal Speed: 30 ft/min (0.15 m/s)
- Drive/Motor: 1:2 cable hydraulic drive, 5 hp submersed motor
- Minimum Pit: 14" (355 mm)
- Minimum Overhead Clearance: 108" (2743 mm)
- Power Supply: 208 volt, three phase, 60 Hz, 30 amps or 240 volt, single phase, 40 amps, 60 Hz